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Cbuy is registered under Companies Act 1956. Registered office situated in Kannur, Kerala..

Starting as a business promoter in the field of referred marketing, we are techno-savy organisation working towords the globalization of products, especially FMCG products marketing. Having more than 20 years of experiance in the field of sales and marketing.

Now we are introducing S M S (Smart Marketing System) with the help of referred marketing. Having more than 20 years of experiance in the field of sales and marketing. Now we are introdusing S M S (Smart Marketing System) with the help of referred marketing.

Smart Marketing System

Through S M S you will get most successful and eduring business Career. Cbuy with in its unique marketing plan is becoming more and more popular with in a spontaneous growth based on its customers. Cbuy adopts win-win strategy with in a sole object of enduring and growing triumph. We are fully commited to support and ensure the success of our business partners.

Through your association with Cbuy, You will be enriching your life as well as enriching others

we have well experienced professionals and they will help you in all the ways with Cbuy to achive your Dream.we provides World class products to Our Customers. We assure the high Quality products in an afordable Rate.


GSTIN Number 32AAKCC3570E1ZY

Our Mission

We Do Our Best To Achieve Your Goal. Your Happiness Is Our First Priority.

To be global leader in Direct marketing and innovative Retailing and with the passing of every second anywhere across the globe add a new Member to Cbuy family. Create a world with more SUCCESSFUL business individuals, so that the can live their dream life.

To provide individuals an opportunity to earn in support of their wellbeing and Happinence To render a service to our customers, that is outstanding its helpfulness and courtesy.

To serve Families with products of with highest quality backed by a guarantee of satisfaction to share with others the rewards of growth and success.

Company Details

Cbuy E-commerce Pvt. Ltd
3rd Floor, Global Village,
Bank Road, Kannur-Kerala
India – 670001.
Customer Care No- +91 6282079990
+91 940037011
Email- [email protected]